Chocolate Bouquets

Star of David Chocolate Bouquet

Star of David Chocolate Bouquet


Joyful Lindor Bouquet
Sold Out

Joyful Lindor Bouquet


Lovely Lindor Bouquet
Sold Out

Lovely Lindor Bouquet


Tickled Pink Ferrero Bouquet

Tickled Pink Ferrero Bouquet


Strawberries & Cream Lindor Bouquet

Strawberries & Cream Lindor Bouquet


Hint of Green Pistachio Bouquet

Hint of Green Pistachio Bouquet


Sweet Coconut Lindor Bouquet

Sweet Coconut Lindor Bouquet


Ferrero & Faux Roses Bouquet

Ferrero & Faux Roses Bouquet


Thankful Chocolate Bouquet

Thankful Chocolate Bouquet


Golden Delight Ferrero Bouquet

Golden Delight Ferrero Bouquet


Baci Delight Milk Chocolate

Baci Delight Milk Chocolate


Baci Delight

Baci Delight
