Thankful Chocolate Bouquet

Thankful Chocolate Bouquet
It's the time to be thankful! Our Thankful Chocolate bouquet is the perfect way to celebrate this season. We've filled it with delicious fall favourites like milk chocolate, salted caramel and more! Best of all it's perfectly arranged in a keepsake ceramic pumpkin that can be re-purposed later!
This wonderful bouquet includes:
- Milk Chocolate Dipped Strawberries
- Milk Chocolate Dipped Strawberries topped with Skor
- Salted Caramel Dipped Strawberries with Chocolate Crisps
- Salted Caramel Dipped Strawberries with Milk Chocolate Drizzle
- Ferrero Rocher Chocolates
- Lindor Milk Chocolates
- Mini Marshmallows
- Keepsake Container *
* Container may vary